Information on data management


Property Supreme Ltd., the seller of the PanoramaPearl real estate development project, informs the (hereinafter: the "Website") about the personal data it processes, its practices regarding the processing of personal data, the organisational and technical measures it takes to protect personal data and the rights of data subjects. Our data management practice is based on Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (hereinafter: Infotv.) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter: GDPR).

  1. Data Controller

The data controller is Property Supreme Kft. (registered office: 1023 Budapest, Ürömi utca 43., company registration number: Cg.01-09-378471, email: hereinafter referred to as the data controller: Property Supreme Ltd.).

  1. Data processors

A data processor is a natural or legal person who processes personal data relating to data subjects on behalf of Property Supreme Kft. on the basis of a contract concluded with Property Supreme Kft.

  1. Scope of the data processed

3.1. Scope of personal data processed for Contracting Authorities:

  • name
  • email address
  • phone number
  • the message sent by the contracting authority
  • size of the property you are looking for

3.2. Additional personal data that may be processed after contacting the Contracting Authority:

  • age
  • the purpose of the purchase
  • property unit parameters (size, number of rooms, etc.)
  • how you got in touch with our company
  • amount of own contribution for the purchase
  • amount of the planned loan
  • planned amount of CSOK application

Property Supreme Ltd. informs the Interested Party that the events related to the sale of the Property Supreme Ltd. with the Interested Party (e.g.: telephone consultation, unsuccessful call, the fact of sending an offer, the fact of personal consultation, etc., other feedback on the project, etc.) are recorded by Property Supreme Ltd. in order to increase the efficiency of sales activities and to serve the customer's needs optimally.

If the Interested Party uses the "Request for Offer" option on the Website and at the same time declares his/her acceptance of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, he/she gives his/her consent to the processing of the data provided by him/her in Section 3.1. and the data provided by him/her voluntarily after the personal contact with our Sales Agent in the data set out in Section 3.2. for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

3.3. Additional data processed by the Data Controller (use of cookies)

Property Supreme Ltd. places a small data packet (a so-called "cookie") on the computer or mobile device of the visitor to the Website in order to provide a personalized service. The purpose of the cookie is to ensure the highest possible quality of the Website, to provide personalized services and to enhance the user experience. Visitors to the Website can delete the cookie from their computer or set their browser to disable the use of cookies. By disabling the use of cookies, the visitor acknowledges that without a cookie, the functionality of the site is incomplete.

The information stored by cookies will never be used by Property Supreme Ltd. to personally identify visitors to the Website.

The following cookies are used on the Website:

  • Analytics/Analysis:
    this shows where you have been on the website, what products you have looked at, what you have done. Depending on the lifetime of the cookie, it remains on the client's computer. It can be used by functions such as Google Analytics or Youtube. These cookies do not contain any personal data and are not used to identify the visitor.
  • Media:
    for example, to view videos on the site. They use features provided by third parties such as Youtube. These cookies do not contain personal data and are not used to identify the visitor.
  • Functional:
    this shows whether the user has visited the site before and what device they used to do so. It records username, password, language chosen, location information. These cookies may contain personal data and can be used to identify the visitor.

Shared space provider: Amazon lightsail


On the Website, Property Supreme Ltd. uses remarketing codes to track visits to specific pages in order to provide targeted marketing messages to visitors to those pages.

  • Users have the option to delete cookies from their browsers at any time by going to Settings.
  • Data controllers entitled to access the data. By using cookies, no personal data is processed by the data controller.
  • Data storage method: electronic.
  1. Purpose of data processing
  • To provide the Interested Party with an offer for the property(ies) sold under the name PanoramaPearl by e-mail and/or telephone,
  • promoting the real estate projects, related services and products to be promoted under the name by sending newsletters to the Interested Parties and sending offers by e-mail and/or telephone,
  • statistical processing for market analysis and service optimisation.
  1. Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for data processing is the voluntary consent of the Interested Party.

  1. Duration of processing

Az adatkezelés az ajánlatkérés elküldésének illetve a 3.1. pontban rögzített adatkör esetében az adatok Érdeklődő általi megadásának napján kezdődik és a hozzájárulás visszavonásáig, de legfeljebb az ajánlatkérés elküldésétől számított 3 évig tart. Amennyiben az érintett kifejezetten hozzájárul, az adatkezelés időtartama az adatkezelés céljának megfelelően meghosszabbítható.

  1. Website operator

The Website is operated by Property Supreme Ltd. and the data is stored on a secure server. The personal data provided by the Interested Party will be transmitted by Property Supreme Ltd. to third parties only on the basis of an express legal requirement.

  1. Rights of the Interested Party

At any time, the Interested Party has the right to request from Property Supreme Ltd information about the personal data concerning him/her, their rectification, erasure or restriction of processing.

The Data Subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent to the processing given to Property Supreme Ltd. at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the previous processing prior to the withdrawal.

Our customers have the right to unsubscribe from receiving further newsletters and offers by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter or offer we send. Please note that if you wish to unsubscribe from receiving further e-mail newsletters, offers or other enquiries, you must unsubscribe from all the e-mail addresses you have provided.

Property Supreme Ltd. will comply with the request as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days from the date of the request.

  1. Remedies

The Interested Party may contact Property Supreme Kft. with any questions, comments or complaints related to data management at the following address  by email.

Visitors may lodge a complaint with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information or file a lawsuit with the competent court in their place of residence (domicile) in the event of a breach of the processing of their data.

Name: National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Location: 1024 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.
Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400

Kérjük adja meg az adatait az ingatlan megtekintéséhez